
Friday, November 11, 2011

New Posts coming soon!

I know I started this blog and then just let it trail away.  I made promises of recipes and never came through.  Well, let's not think of those promises as broken.  Let's call them extremely delayed.  I am going to be maintaining this blog again as soon as I have time.  As some of you may know we recently added to our family and things have been a little hectic around here.  I would like to thank anyone who has been checking for updates to this blog.  Your curiosity will soon be rewarded!  I might not make large posts right away, but I would like to get some of the recipes going and work from there.  Once the holiday craziness dies down I will be able to give you more.  Thanks for your patience and I'll see you soon!

Here is the reason for all the delays!

I guess it's not fair to blame it all on her...but together they are a time sucking tornado!  I wouldn't have it any other way :)

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